
Yegara Host reviews

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Yegara Host review

I’ve been using Yegara Host for about four months and I’m ready to sing its praises. They provide their service to businesses from Ethiopia to individuals and hobbyists and allow them to manage and deploy their site with ease. Yegara Host is clearly at the top with a fast load time and their performance has been great. They provide a better service and a more stable platform with relatively high speed. Additionally, they offer strong security support. Now, my website loads quickly even when the internet connection is flimsy at best.

When I run into any technically difficult challenges, I immediately reach out to their support center for help. They reply immediately with helpful resources and step-by-step processes that have everything back to normal in no time.

Another great thing is Yegara Host’s partnership with local Ethiopian banks (Dashen Bank, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Hibret Bank and Awash Bank). Since having a MasterCard is really difficult in Ethiopia, having the payment options open in local banks lets me streamline the payment process.

Overall, I highly recommend Yegara Host!

Biggest Pro: Load speed, Low price, simplicity

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