
Just Host reviews – Page 14

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On average, Just Host is not recommended by users on our web site.

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Justhost, Lie about having backups

Ads that offer backup. But when problems occur. Sorry, did not inform the backup.

My site was hacked! All data missing out. I'm has requested assistance from Justhost support
Send email to 4 days send and received email for 24 times, no progress
Day 1
Stanley Lush : We can restore your account from the backup dated from the 18th of March
Maria Yates : I am in the process of restoring your account and will inform you as soon as it is done.

Me: I am informed that my site all the same. sitll same problem

Day 2
Donald Bray : I'm currently working on your issue.
Yuriy Poliychuk : I have checked and didn't see any of problems with your

Me: Screen saving copy to justhost support

Stanley Lush: I have restored the backup,......
Vernon Sloboden : I see your site was restored by Stanley Lush and now it is working for me. I just checked backup of your site, it is already overwritten to Apr 2 10:28.

Day 3
Me: nothing at all. Until now justhost support to maintain progress does not solve anything.

Joe Mitchell : The latest backup of your account we have on our server is from Apr 2. We can restore it,
Joe Mitchell : The backup of your account ha been restored. Please let me know if you need more help

Day 4
Me : I'm see my website, Until now justhost support to maintain progress does not solve anything.

Donald Bray, : Sorry we don't have another backups of your account. If you have any backup files on your PC try to restore them and let us know if you need more help.

Awful Host - Stay Away

We opened an account in April 2009 on a two year contract. Service was terrible. Always slow and unwilling to help. Lots that had been available at the previous host was not available with these guys. We decided to cancel the account. They had a money back guarantee and so within 3 days we asked them to cancel and refund. They said they would do so and asked us to click a link and complete an account cancellation process. We did this and received the refund a few days later (surprising to some of you here I know!).

Now, in March 2011, we received a invoice from them asking us to pay up for the next 2 years of service. Now, we could just have ignored this. However, out of courtesy we informed them that we haven't been a client for 2 years and the account was cancelled. They emailed and said they needed proof of who we were before they could talk to us. Crazy! Account is closed! Just helping them out!

We got yet another invoice and sent it to our legal guy. He wrote to them and they are totally indignant that we did not cancel the account. Despite the fact the lawyer explained calmly to them that the account was fully cancelled and a full refund was received, they wrote back and said their system shows the cancellation process was not completed and we must do it in order to receive the refund! Aaaahhh crazy, stupid people working for justhost! We already told them we had the refund.

So, I just had to write this to let you know that despite really cheap prices you should stay well away from these people. They lack brains, ethics, a good billing system and regular customer service.

Biggest Pro: None - they are terrible
Biggest Con: The most stupid staff I have come across in the industry

JustHost defrauds users

I was fooled, like others, by apparently paid reviews of JustHost. In order to get the price advertised, I had to take a three year contract. That was a minor annoyance compared to what followed.
In the beginning I had a couple small problems that actually got fixed in relatively short order. Then I decided to add SearchEngineSubmission to my account. Their web site reported that the transaction could not be completed. I tried again in another browser window and got the same message. Then I checked my bank account and discovered that both transactions had actually been successful. I notified JustHost and they responded with an email that acknowledged a duplicate billing and promised a refund. Forget their claims of 7-10 days. My refund has yet to arrive and the double billing took place FOUR and a half months ago.
I had the same experience as dozens of others on this list with multiple email replies that repeated the same information. I questioned whether any of these named individuals actually existed or were JustBots that mined keywords. They sunk to a new low in excuses as well. They had the gall to tell me that they were experiencing problems with their payment gateway (for over 4 months), particularly with transactions that were voided on their end, and had no idea when it would be fixed. I asked for a paper check and was told they could not do that.
Then I contacted the Better Business Bureau. Curiously, they had no complaints on file against this fraud and gave them a C rating simply for lack of data. After they contacted JustHost, they found a way to send me a paper check. They really wanted my PayPal information to credit my refund, but I had long since become suspicious of their intentions. So I gave them my mailing address and they said it would take 30 business days to arrive. The check is in the mail - not!
When the time ran out and the check was nowhere in sight, I contacted them again. They said it was mailed 6 weeks prior. I asked if it was lost in the mail or stolen and cashed, but they wouldn't tell me. I asked them to stop payment and reissue the check, or tell me where and when it was cashed so I could file a police report. Again no reply. Finally, I contacted BBB again. They said they couldn't do anymore and referred me to the Attorney General's office. JustHost finally responded by email with a new support ticket number, otherwise identical to the first email I got when I opened the ticket 4 months ago. In the email they strongly recommended that I purchase a "priority support" add-on.
I can't comment on the quality of their actual hosting. My ratings of 5.0 are intended to mean "No Comment". My site is not a business site and I'm not sure anyone else has even visited, certainly not enough traffic to run afoul of their arbitrary account suspension policy. However, I believe that is only the bait they use to acquire financial information so they can double bill and otherwise defraud consumers. They appear to be bulletproof and are confident that if they stonewall long enough, the vast majority will give up. At best they appear to be incompetent, at worst they are a bunch of shrewd scammers who know exactly what they are doing.
Do yourself a favor. Don't visit their web site and don't even think about giving them any money.

Biggest Pro: Zip
Biggest Con: Can't trust a word they say


They send me and invoice after they automatically withdrew $177 from my bank account and I over drew and had to pay a fee. They also too the payment out 7 days earlier than the statement said. I would have liked at least an email. A reminder. "Hey we're going to yank a bunch of money from you and tell you after, good luck with that!"

Biggest Pro: Havent found it yet.
Biggest Con: Piss poor customer service.

Don't even consider these guys--they're the worst I've ever found

I've been a customer for 2 years; I'm switching away now. Let me just give you the facts on why I rated them what I did:

Overall rating = 0
They don't update their servers with updated software until I bug their support about it--then the change happens finally after months.
They cannot solve ANY technology problem without me spending at least TWO DOZEN emails back and forth. They are as dumb as a box of rocks. I have NEVER had support in the USA with them.
They billed me $130 in error in Nov 2010, and they just refunded me $60 of it in March 2011, after I wouldn't let it go. They say the rest is not refundable, according to their policy.
They want to charge me $14.99 to bring in a parked domain (that I bought elsewhere). That's unreasonable.
They are the most money-hungry, dishonest business I have EVER dealt with.

Biggest Pro: I simply cannot thing of one single good experience.
Biggest Con: They have the stupidest customer support I've ever dealt with, and they will bill you automatically & refuse to refund.


The hosting itself is good, but justhost has lousy customer support. I called the toll free number because they took payment out of my credit card a week before my hosting was due to lapse. When I called they directed me to an email ( I have been bombarded with automated responses and thus far have only been able to cancel my account. It takes 7-10 days for the refund to process, which doesn't make much sense considering a 54 dollar charge was taken off of my card a week before my hosting was supposed to lapse.

I do not recommend them. The price make you want to buy there service, but the customer service is lousy and it's not worth the hassle.


I've been with JustHost since May 2009 I believe and in December 2010 I decided to give up and leave. My domain no longer works as I have not transferred it to my own server yet.
But JustHost's service is terrible.
After a few weeks of hosting my site with them I find my account is suspended from having a Wiki page on my site.
Saying "I used too much resources" WTF?! I just installed it, how can it use up resources?

Several months later I find my site is going slow and that email is taking forever to get to my inbox. I talked to support and they said they're working on it. Pfft. How about working on staying in school idiots.

Biggest Con: Downtime, Slow website loading, Suspended site for installing an add-on, Not too bright customer service.


Oh my... I don't even know where to begin... The chat support is outsourced I am almost sure of it. Reason being, they don't have access to anything on the servers. They cant do ANYTHING. They then direct you to an email for anything that needs to be done. Usually Then you can expect to wait several days for each email to be read and then get a response. I had a small issue and it took me a week to get it resolved. Each time you respond to the email it takes a few more days for them to read it.

I wish I could impress on you how aweful this company is. please RUN.

Biggest Pro: None
Biggest Con: EVERYTHING!!!

Just Host

Just Host is worthless. I was never able to post my website to there hosted domain. There support never would help. Went with another domain server and worked fine. Asked for a refund never got a response. Was so frustrated I just let it go then they have the nerve to ask me to renew 2 years later and still will not refund my money. The BBB will be contacted on this one. $190.00 wasted!

There 100% money back guarantee is non existent!

Biggest Con: Peices of ****

All Time account suspended Totaly scam hosting company

This was my last email that I send them

transfer my account from a local hosting company to justhost

and now 7 day's go not my domain transfer properly and not one time my site open

I transfer same site form my old hosting company to your's and pay 49 $ for transferring also

same site running on my old server and no problem I found. I just transfer due to my low band width.

I send 100 emails to your staff but no one can solve the problem

Last night I get my Ip access for some time and totally update the site and close 90 % scripts and plugins

but when I open again site same " Account suspended"

I pay you for hosting , domain transfer and site transferring

One of my site running on a free server 000webhost and never suspend

You do it every day

due to your bad hosting My adsense account is banned. My site unique visitors ratio is more than 2000 and page views more then 6000

I think your server not support this So I want back my hosting to my old server or any other.

Kindly tell me the procedure of cancel my account :

because you mention on the site. :
Anytime Money Back Guarante

Your satisfaction or your money back! If you decide to cancel your account at anytime Just Host will refund you for the remainder of your term.

Sill No money back and I not receive any payment from them

They get my card details and scan copy also and when they want they charge my account without any notifications.

{host_name} Alternatives

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Overall: {host_score3}/10

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