IX Web Hosting reviews – Page 7
On average, IX Web Hosting is not recommended by users on our web site.
This statement was automatically generated by analyzing the reviews and ratings about the company.
See the metrics that we looked at
Page RelevancyFootnote 1 | Very High |
# of Reviews | 63 |
# that Recommend | 12 Very Low |
% that Recommend | 19% Very Low |
Overall RatingFootnote 2 | 33.6% Very Low |
Review QualityFootnote 2 Footnote * | 100% Very High |
If this host does not meet your expectations, please browse our search section to find one that does.
IX Webhosting - Hosting Worth the money
After trying my hands in various hosting ,i switched to this hosting service.Initially i felt very happy with the disk space i have and the bandwidth they provided for the scheme.Later at a stage my website became in accessible for two days,when i enquired the customer service the told there has been a Disk failure.This situation prevaled for some 2 days then my site was back ,the most interesting thing is all my files were safe.Then only i came to know they have taken a backup,before doing the maintainance job.The server's upload speed is satisfactory.The server's accessing speed also proves worth for my scheme.
The control panle facilitates a good interaction with user and faclitates installation of various applications like poll,gallery,blogs..etc.the only disadvantage is twice in a year a maintanance work will be performed.This hosting was a satisfactory hosting for beginners.
Not good if you need reliable email
We've been using this host primarily for e-mail and their reliability in this category is 50%. Many times emails will be bounced back to the senders, their servers will not recognize accounts when logging in and suddenly will work in 30 minutes, and their tech support don't know what's going on.
The first time, they suggested that the bounced mails are spoofed spam... even though WE tried sending emails from our ISP accounts to their servers. Next, they suggested making a configuration change to the email account which not only did not make sense, it also didn't work. Lastly, they suggested that they are NOT a dedicated e-mail service and it's secondary to their web hosting service.
If you plan to only have a webpage and no form of contact through your site, then this host may work for you. Otherwise, STAY AWAY!!!
Biggest Pro: Cheap website hosting
Biggest Con: VERY unreliable email servers
I like this host.
This host is fast, reliable, and reasonable with their prices. I got 5000 emails, lots of space and bandwidth, and lots of features. The only time they were down, they sent an email saying why it was down (hardware malfunction, shut down the server to prevent data loss I think they said) and were very polite in the email. I would love to work with this host on all my projects now and in the future.
Biggest Pro: Reliability
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