Hostable reviews
Hostable has a low number of reviews.
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Page RelevancyFootnote 1 | Very Low |
# of Reviews | 1 |
# that Recommend | 0 Very Low |
% that Recommend | 0% Very Low |
Overall RatingFootnote 2 | 30% Very Low |
Review QualityFootnote 2 Footnote * | 100% Very High |
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Hostable is a bad webhosting provider!
I have been hosting my sites at Hostable webhosting for some months and during that time, my account was hacked. I manage to fix the issue but few days latter, my account was terminated without any emails or notices from Hostable. I submitted tickets and chatted with their support and they said they received complaints due to my hacked account's issue. I said no one want their account to be hacked and I had tried to fix my account successfully and changed my pass to a lengthy and strongly new one.
Their supporters told me to wait for their review from their administrators but I have been waited for over 2 weeks and I keep submitted 3 others tickets about my account issue but they still haven't replied me! My sites have been down for nearly 3 weeks now and I can't backup my sites.
Their supporting is really bad and I would not recommend any one to use their services, although it is rather cheap (just about $14/ 3 months). I suppose the cheap service would go with bad quality in most cases.
I lost my 10 sites in their hosting and all my sites are out of Google index after a long time down.
{host_name} Alternatives
SiteGround – {host_reviews1} reviews
Overall: {host_score1}/10 |
InMotion Hosting – {host_reviews2} reviews
Overall: {host_score2}/10 |
Host Gator – {host_reviews3} reviews
Overall: {host_score3}/10 |
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