guruManiacs reviews
Update: This company no longer appears to be operating.
guruManiacs has a low number of reviews.
While every review is helpful, visitors should attribute more weight to pages with more reviews.
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Page RelevancyFootnote 1 | Very Low |
# of Reviews | 2 |
# that Recommend | 2 Very High |
% that Recommend | 100% Very High |
Overall RatingFootnote 2 | 86.5% Very High |
Review QualityFootnote 2 Footnote * | 100% Very High |
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Awesome Hosting
Been with them for almost a month and have a year paid off, and they have been very helpful and support time is within minutes, with live support all the time.
Gurumaniacs Review
Gurumaniacs has been hosting my website for almost 3 months now and I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten. Though you have to sign up for a full year and get a domain, its a nice package. Because they go ahead and set everything up. The nice thing about tech support is that its very fast, compared to bigger companies. Now if a problem arises you can get someone to you help you, on a very professional level, and they no what they are doing. So in the end I'm not 100% pleased with them but not also not disappointed to as their a small company. Which not everyone can be excellent in all fields, their is someone always disappointed.
Biggest Pro: If anything goes wrong you can contact the owner persoanlly and will fix your problem very quick
Biggest Con: Company has switched is main servers twice within the time I've been with them.
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