A Blue Grape reviews
Update: This company no longer appears to be operating.
A Blue Grape has a low number of reviews.
While every review is helpful, visitors should attribute more weight to pages with more reviews.
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Page RelevancyFootnote 1 | Very Low |
# of Reviews | 1 |
# that Recommend | 1 Very High |
% that Recommend | 100% Very High |
Overall RatingFootnote 2 | 99% Very High |
Review QualityFootnote 2 Footnote * | 100% Very High |
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One of the BEST hosts
I would have to say these guys are one of the best hosters at the moment. They have been in the business for about a year I believe. I was hosted RIGHT when they brought their brand new server. I was refered to them by a friend, who worked there as a support tech.
The speed is great, I've mabye had 1-2 downtimes ever and those were all at less than 10 mins. Price wise it's also great and cheap. Very compeitive with other hosters out there. I got a reseller account from them and so far it's been great. I bought a reseller so I could host a few of my sites and my friends sites. These guys servers is very fast and mainly due to the amount of sites on it. Since there aren't too many sites, it's great in some ways because more resources are availble for the current customers like me. Whois checks usually show how many sites are hosted on any server.
overall if you want great speed go with these guys, I've been with them since the start and it's been great. I actually haven't had to contact customer support yet even once... I'd reccomend them for a reseller account!!
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