
Webhost4life reviews

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On average, Webhost4life is not recommended by users on our web site.

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Terrible service, worse support, nothing but problems

Over the course of a number of years WebHost4Life went from bad to worse, with our site being hacked repeatedly (directly on their servers, by their folks it would appear), all-too-frequent site outages, search engine ranking drops due to WebHost4Life's failure / inability to handle SSL certificates on shared Windows hosting servers, NO U.S. support for Windows hosting, etc., and all that was with increasing annual prices and a general lack of proper support. AVOID WebHost4Life or regret not doing so. There are much better and cheaper hosts available, with proper support.

Biggest Pro: None
Biggest Con: Site outages, hacked site, lack of proper SSL support for Windows shared hosting, NO domestic support for the same

Life Is Short

Life is short, at least when it comes to hosting with webhost4life. Sadly, I stuck with them for 10+ years. The task of moving my clients to a different hosting solution was going to be problematic and time consuming as I had multiple databases. Webhost4life helped me with my transition to a new hosting solution by running off all my customers with down time and generally poor performance. At one point all my sites were down for 3 to 5 weeks. That pretty much did it, customers didn't want to hear how it was out of my hands.

Customer support was intermittent with it being heavily leaning toward terrible. Very seldom you would find someone who had a slight clue. Typically, I had to provide customer support with the solutions. Even then they would keep thrashing about doing their own thing while the customers (mine and theirs) suffered. Eventually they would listen.

Went to a couple of years ago, it has been a much better life, ZERO problems, NONE.

Biggest Pro: They drove off my customers so I could leave
Biggest Con: I let them provide terrible service by continuing to pay them


I have been a webhsot4life customer for many years and have monstrously satisfied with your service. I make my living on this computer and with your service. The gentleman i spoke to, Erwin was polite and tried to help. I was told that i would receive an email in 24 to 72 hours. I asked "and then what?' he told me to respond to the email. I then said "and what wait another 24 to 72 hours? Why can't i just call someone?" he then said essentially that for the most part it does not work that way. He also made a statement that this is not the first time he has heard frustration (my words) from a client/customer. I started using this service I believe it was in 2002 when I started my business. Once i get through these issues I will probably look for another service provider, unless I hear from somebody with some good news!!!! My cell number is 608-436-1020. By the way your customer ratings are horrible - not many of them but horrible

Biggest Pro: Service, although located in the Philippines tries very hard to satisfy the customer.
Biggest Con: Its the service protocols that negatively effect the overall service group waiting too long to get answers.


Anyone who comes across these reviews and then contracts Webhost For Death, or does not immediately change provider, is a fool. My experience is that they were as bad as described, and even worse. They migrated our site onto another platform, it turned into a disaster, the site was down for a month, they gave misleading and insulting information through the help desk services, they captured my credit card and deducted money, and there was nothing that we could do about it.

This all coincided with the birth of my son.

I still hate them (yes, that is not too strong a word).

I have found Media Temple to be excellent.

Previous reviews by Nicholas Houston

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They crashed our site in September 2010 when the ownership of the company changed and technical changes were made to their hosting arrangement. It became a nightmare to get a response from them to find out what had happened and to get the site back on line. Kafkaesque is an accurate description. Nothing was resolved in the end, I was sent round and round in circles for weeks trusting in their support systems. This coincided with the birth of my son. I have never forgiven them for putting me through this stress at that time, and every so often, when reminded by another poor review, get on line to vent my spleen at this company and to warn other people away from them. Be scared, be very scared, and be most scared of their support systems.

By Nicholas Houston on April 12th, 2015 at 19:41 EST
URL: [Hidden but verified] Customer for 3 - 5 years
Plan: Shared | Platform: Don't Know | Email:

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Used to be good; now its as bad as it can get

There is a special reason for me giving a big ZERO for all options; the server is sure to get hacked and malicious code introduced into your web pages. The server itself has terrible flaws and god save you if you end up putting your sensitive information here.

Me and half a dozen people I know had hosted here but today I managed to have each person have their account canceled with webhost4life. The response to the cancellation to is so COLD .... I would certainly not expect any better customer service from the folks who are managing/supporting webhost4life now.

Biggest Pro: CHEAP
Biggest Con: CHEAP and you are sure to get hacked

It's Not Web Hosting If It's Not Online!

We've had webhost4life since before I was hired. It's a shared Windows platform (wouldn't have been my choice, but I wasn't around then). My boss was happy to pay their expensive fee for our small company site. We don't even do e-commerce - it's a static site that just presents information and blank forms to our patients (we work in health care).

Our business card information changed, we were on a 3 year billing cycle, and we forgot to update the card. They didn't contact us at all (no phone, no email, nothing) when the billing cycle was up in January 2015 - they simply deleted our site, our emails, and all our data. We had to pay a $50 fee to have everything restored.

The site was up for two or three days before going offline again. We called webhost4life and found out that there was a problem with their Windows IIS platform and they were fixing it, and they promised it would be fixed the same day. It is now one month later and the site is still offline. We still don't get any communication from them. The ticket was closed the same day it was opened, and our site was still down. I just got off the phone with tech support, and the most likely problem was a simple configuration setting in our account that we have no control over. It's been escalated and is supposed to be fixed finally for real this time.

Rating breakdown:

uptime & reliability 0.0
It's not web hosting if the webpage isn't being hosted! 3 months offline that we have to pay for in addition to restoration fees? Not cool.

server speed/connection 6.0
It's okay when it works. I've seen better, I've seen worse.

Tech support 7.5
They answer the phone, they talk intelligently, they make promises... But they're missing that last little bit that would make the difference between hosting and not hosting.

Customer Service 7.0
Hold times aren't bad, tickets are at least looked at, the reps are sometimes rude/sarcastic, and things don't always get done the way they should.

Price value for money 0.0
We're paying for a service. We're paying extra for the service to be fixed and restored. And we're not receiving said service. I value that at a solid zero.

Overall 0.9
Overall, extremely unacceptable uptime/reliability. You do not get what you pay for. I give a 0.9 instead of a flat 0 because they do offer other hosting options that we haven't tried. Maybe one of those is less unreliable, but we're not going to try to figure that out. I've read really good things about WebHostingHub...

Biggest Con: They're a web hosting service that doesn't actually host

Avoid like the plague

We had this service for 6 years on 8 client websites. Service got really bad, our websites were constantly down then suddenly everything was hacked. Customer was unresponsive. 4 years later they still try to bill our expired credit cards then send me past due notices. Finally had to block all emails from their service.

Biggest Pro: The day we moved to another host
Biggest Con: Getting hacked due to their server settings.

Avoid like the plague

webhost4life are quite simply terrible. After moving hosting away from them I've got a faster and more reliable service. With webhost4life my site was down a lot of the time too and required contacting support to get the site back. Any support issues would take 2-3 weeks of canned responses that missed the core of the issue, which builds up to get very frustrating. I sacked them off and I'd advise people to go elsewhere for hosting.

The worst part was that after cancelling my account I discovered that I was still being billed for the domain 4 years later. It was a terrible experience consisting of a complaint to ICANN and of getting a refund via my credit card company. The canned responses were highly irritating especially when being told to log into an non-existent account. AVOID AVOID AVOID.!

Biggest Pro: host can stay up for a couple of weeks at a time
Biggest Con: Unreliable, Slow, poor customer service

Shoddy Web Hosting, without any type of consideration

I had a service plan with WebHost for life for around 5 years. I was patient, and at first quickly forgave them when my sites would go down. However, they would frequently migrate your source code and websites to different folder. This caused not only my main site to go down, but others as well. I was very willing to forgive these transgressions when they applied ot my website. However my clients sites would also go down. When I would point out failures to the technical support, they would blame me for the failure. Even though I had not even logged into their web hosting for several, months when my sites were still up and running flawlessley. They vehemiently refused to take any type of accountability, and the technical support over the years began to falter very quickly. FInally I had enough, and moved all of my sites to a different provider. The time wasted with WebHost4 life was not worth the costs saving. In the end, I probaly ended up paying more money, due to lost productivitiy with my company having to go fix the errors created by WebHost4life.

Biggest Con: My sites were moved around and tampered with

Appalling data security

I have (soon to be had) as a web host WebHost4Life (USA) for the past 4 years. Most things were fine until two months ago when I noticed my code had been riddled with hidden divs for Louis Vuitton handbags. Then my website went offline for at least a day, maybe longer as I don't check it every day. When they finally got it back up, my on screen text was now riddled with advertising garble. And now I can't even get into File Manager to clean up the code.
Also, their pricing structure is confusing. It seems really cheap and then there are add-ons that should be part of the essential product.
Service wise, they are quick, but by email/website ticket log.

Biggest Con: lack of data security

{host_name} Alternatives

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Overall: {host_score1}/10

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Overall: {host_score3}/10

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