
Steadfast reviews

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Page RelevancyFootnote 1 Very Low
# of Reviews 3
# that Recommend 1
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% that Recommend 33%
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Overall RatingFootnote 2 65.3%
Review QualityFootnote 2 Footnote * 100%
Very High

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Horrible billing practices

I suggest you stay away from Steadfast as they will make it as hard in their power to make canceling your service.

We had one server we no longer require canceled, however they decided to suspend all of our other servers because one is overdue.

I never seen any company suspend ALL servers if one bill was overdue, it should only be the respective server.

So if you like people that are not flexible, and cooperative, go with Steadfast Networks.

Biggest Pro: good network
Biggest Con: does not cooperate, unprofessional CEO, horrible billing practices

Attitude problem

Although reliable host, customer service department has an attitude. It always takes several attempts to get problems taken care off. It is not the kind of service I expected when switching to "praised" Steadfast!

Biggest Pro: uptime
Biggest Con: unfriendly, hard to speak-to service department

Great network, support, and an overall great service!

We first started hosting with Steadfast in February of 2005 for our company's main web site. Ever since, our service has remained top-notch and we've continued to receive quality support from technicians that know what they're talking about (when we actually need to submit a request!).

There haven't been many unscheduled outages, and most are resolved promptly.

I highly recommend Steadfast for any individual or business!

Biggest Pro: Network
Biggest Con: Price

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